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X-Ray inspection machine


Your part 145 MRO

X-Ray inspection


Radiography can be compared to photography but instead of using the light rays of the visible spectrum, this technology relies on X Rays. It allows us to see through an object or a structure at a specific point in time. As for photography, if the object moves during acquisition time, the image may be of poor quality, especially if the time of exposure is long.

Radioscopy can be compared to a video recording. Images are in motion and make it possible to see the part in real time.

The X Rays or ionizing rays emitted by a generator go through the object.  They are attenuated as they pass through different thicknesses and matter, until they reach a detector. This detector is composed of a large number of sensors that convert the received signal into electrical information and then into a grey scale image. Each sensor will represent an image pixel. The different scales of grey are linked to the ionizing ray paths and reveal the edges and porosities inside the parts.

Using this technology, we can inspect for cracks, as well as detect defects that cannot be otherwise detected without part destruction.  This makes X Ray tests an essential tool for quality control, safety, and reliability.

Our equipment

TMH-novatec is equipped with a digital radioscopy / radiography system of the latest generation, the Phoenix X|CUBE v3 225kV model. This equipment is composed of a shielding booth, manipulators, an X ray tube, an X ray detector, a cooling pump, a control panel, and a control cabinet. It is used for nondestructive inspection of materials and parts in the field of manufacturing.

Capacity :

  • Maximum recommended part height: 900 mm
  • Maximum recommended part diameter: Ø600 mm
  • Maximum recommended part weight: 150 kilos

X Ray detector:

  • Minimum size of visible defects: 50 µm. Defects such as casting porosities, and defects related to weld bead and assembly dimension.

TMH -novatec offers several types of nondestructive inspection, with specific uses and benefits.

  • Visual inspection: simple and fast. By using the adequate optical devices, this type of inspection makes it possible to detect visible external defects.
  • Dye penetrant inspection: can detect small defects, such as cracks, by applying a fluorescent penetrant on the part surface. Parts are then rinsed, and a developer is applied to detect the defects under UV light.
  • X-Ray inspection completes our nondestructive inspection offer, by detecting defects that are not visible to the naked eye, through material and to the core of the part. This inspection is particularly used to check for casting porosity, as well as to ensure weld bead homogeneity and assembly dimensions.

TMH-novatec uses two welding technologies that may be associated with X Ray inspection : TIG welding and Laser welding.


Our qualifications

Our installation has been qualified by our aeronautical customers such as que Safran Helicopter Engines and Safran Power Units.

Our current qualifications :

  • PAQ58C717 forSafran Power Units
  • Pr-5250 forSafran Helicopter Engines

In addition to civil and military aeronautics, our digital X Ray equipment is compatible with part inspection for the nuclear, space, automotive, and energy industries, and for any other industrial purposes.

Helicopter engine blade X-Ray inspection

A question regarding our X-Ray inspection capability ?

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